Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation SPF 15: Review

I am always on the lookout for good foundations which are light weight and moisturising. I much prefer my foundation to look very natural and dewy as I do not like the 'made up feel' or the heavy feel on the face which some foundations can do. I think I have found the perfect foundation which does just that, this is the Bobbi brown skin foundation. Now I will tell you the many reasons as to why this has been my go to summer foundation.

I will also do a little review on the Bobbi Brown face base which is the perfect base for any foundation.

Bobbi Brown skin foundation SPF 15 - £34:
So I was on the hunt for a dewy lightweight foundation for my sisters graduation day and as I walked in Selfridges I was spoilt for choice and seeing as I had never tried any makeup from Bobbi Brown I thought I would give it ago. After having a lengthy chat with the make up artists at the counter (who was super nice and gave me so much great tips) I walked away with the Bobbi Brown skin foundation in the shade 4.5 'warm natural.' The makeup artist also somehow persuaded me to purchase the Bobbi Brown vitamin enriched face base and I am so glad she did as this product completely changed the way my foundation sits on the skin!

Now let's get into the actual review shall we? The best part about this foundation is the texture as it is really moisturising and gives a beautiful healthy glow to the skin. The formula is a little runny as it's water based and oil free. Like most foundations this one does not leave your skin feeling heavy but in fact it plumps up the skin to make it look healthy. The coverage it light to medium which is why I picked it up as it allows your skin breathe. I love how the foundations feels on the skin as its almost like second skin. It also has SPF 15, so no need for sunscreen in the summer! The foundation is priced at £34 which is not too bad considering the prices of many other luxury brand foundations.

Bobbi Brown vitamin enriched face base - £42:
Gosh I do not know where to start with this product. It has become my holy grail primer under all my foundations! I always get this gorgeous glow coming through any foundation which I wear. The face base is like a primer which is made with Shea butter so it is very very moisturising and ideal for anyone who has really dry skin like myself. The face base has a fruity scent to it that I love but it may be a bit too strong for some. The formula of the vitamin enriched face base is quite heavy but feels soft to touch and glides very smoothly onto the skin. I have not gone back to any other primer since I started using this!

Both the products I mentioned above have been the best combo and the only combo which I have been using all summer as they give my skin a healthy glow and keep my skin moisturised throughout the day. The foundation is long wearing and can last me a good few hours. I love this product and would definitely recommend it for anyone which is looking for a light weight foundation for dry skin. The primer is also a massive recommendation from myself as I have been loving it and I think it will be my no.1 primer since the day I purchased it.

I would love to know your thoughts on this foundation, if you have tried it? If not then what other foundations would you recommend?

Disclaimer: This was not a sponsored post and all opinions are honest and completely my own.

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