Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Peel Extra Strength Formula: Review

Wow, it's been a longgg time since I wrote a blog post. I have been super busy as I am going to move house in a few weeks time and moving house can be so stressful lol! My skin has been all over the place because of the stress haha! Anyway, I wanted to share with you guys a new skincare product which I have discovered and has helped me with my horrible blemishes and stress spots. This product was a sample I got with an order from Cultbeauty and I have been loving this product so much that I will most definitely be purchasing more of this product soon!  This is an anti ageing product and seeing as I'm turning 25 next month, I feel it is crucial I start including anti ageing products in my skincare routine.

The Product:
The product I want to talk about is the Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Extra Strength Daily Peel and I just feel like this product has worked magic on my skin. So the Dr. Dennis Gross peel is a two step anti ageing facial peel which is quick to act on fine lines and wrinkles. It does not just stop there, this product also takes care of enlarged pores, blemishes, dark spots and redness. I have noticed a big difference since using the peel and I have been getting a lot of compliments on how my skin is looking more glowy and radiant which is always a good thing.

You can purchase the product from Cultbeauty and you can also trial this product out by purchasing a box of 5 peels for £15 which is a good price for 5 facial peels. These anti ageing pads are suitable for all skin types and for anyone who suffers from consistent skin conditions. So the product comes with two steps, Step 1 is to clean, so use the pad on dry skin in circular motions from the forehead to the neck and then wait at least two minutes before using step 2 in the same motion until the pad feels dry. The first time I used this I could see the changes straight away because my skin was glowing and I looked alot more awake and alive, even though I had gotten barely any sleep that day lol!  

"These revolutionary pads are rich in five alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids (glycolic, lactic, malic, citric and salicylic) to dissolve the skin’s dulling ‘stratum corneum’ (the oldest, thinnest, top-layer of skin) and reveal the younger, more radiance skin cells beneath." - Cultbeauty. (Click this link to see more)

I am definitely going to be purchasing more of this product because I could see the difference with this product which I don't think I could see with any other skincare product I have used in the past. I have dry and sensitive skin which is why I felt a slight tingly feeling when I first used it but it wasn't anything crazy as it went away straight away and didn't leave me with sore red skin like most products do. Overall I love this product because my skin feels a lot more smoother and silky since using these pads. 

Do you guys have any other skincare recommendations, as I am eager to try out more new skincare brands which I have not heard of? 

Disclaimer: This was not a sponsored post and all opinions are honest and completely my own.

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